Parco provinciale di Montioni
- Piombino - Livorno
- 0565 49430
It extends for about 7000 hectares between the Valley of the rivers Cornia and Pecora, in the hilly system between Massa Marittima and Suvereto. These hills, of medium altitude, are covered by woods mainly of holm-oak, and constitute a vegetal landscape closely linked to the action of man, in particular to the production of coal and the cutting of the wood. In the heart of the park further signs of man emerge from the remains of the alum quarries (used for tanning skins and fixing colours on fabrics), and from the mining village of the Napoleonic era wanted by Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi, Napoleon's sister. Of great interest is also the faunistic aspect, for the conspicuous number of ungulates in the free state: wild boars, fallow deer and roe deer. Inside the Park, which has an interprovincial character, occupying the territory of two provinces, Livorno and Grosseto, there are two state nature reserves: Marsiliana (440 hectares) and Poggio Tre Cancelli (100 hectares).