Riccardo Cicchelli and his Forte dei Marmi
The Alpemare lifeguard tells us about this oasis of wonder

The lifeguard is an icon figure in Forte dei Marmi. How has it changed over time?
The lifeguard was once a sort of old sea dog, a seaman who worked on the beach, with a deep knowledge of the sea environment, the weather and winds. An outspoken rather rugged-mannered man. Now he is a more refined figure and technology, combined with periodical refresher courses, allows for more collaboration between fellow lifeguards. Suffice is to mention the use of Whatsapp groups or social media to find children who get lost on the beach.
Your favorite moment of the day on the beach?
Early in the morning, a combination of peace and vital energy, a nearly mystical moment.
And where do you enjoy going out for dinner when you clock out?
I enjoy going to restaurants in the hilly hinterland, which usually have wonderful porches or terraces.
What makes Bagno Alpemare so unique?
The high level of service provided, privacy and elegance are our key features. And, of course, the presence of Maestro Bocelli, such a unique must for our guests, among whom there are well-known names of culture, fashion, sports and the show business- and for the staff.
Your favorite places in Versilia?
Hard to say, I love Versilia in its entirety, from the Apuan Alps to the Coast, from the pinewoods to the lakes, from the hills to the age-old villages. It a unique balance of opposing forces.
Your motto?
“I am I plus my surroundings, and if I do not preserve the latter I do not preserve myself” Ortega y Gasset.