The spirit of jazz
Costanza Nocentini, Florentine born and raised, oversees the organization of Pinocchio Jazz alongside Daniele Sordi

What’s the unifying theme that’s guided your choices?
The desire to promote good-quality music that isn’t often synonymous with commercial music.
Why Pinocchio?
The name was chosen to give a recognizable Tuscan “mark” to the event. The festival was founded with the intent to spur the growth of local jazz and many musicians that are today considered jazz stars cut their teeth right here on our stage.
But revered names in the world of European and international jazz have also played here. Who are some of these?
So many. It would be impossible to list them.
Just a few?
Well, we’ve had Steve Lacy, Ernst Reijseger, Don Byron, Girotto, Kenny Barron, Han Bennink and Steven Bernstein. Some of the renowned Italian musicians include Rava, Fresu, Danilo Rea and Enrico Pieranunzi.
A memorable evening?
That would be 2002, when Stefano Bollani performed for the first time his piano solo Canzoni Calzanti, which he later performed throughout the world. It was exciting. Some even ended up sleeping in the club!
Pinocchio Jazz and Florence?
Guests under 21 get in for free.