Not only influencer
Catherine Poulain. With her @official_cat, she’a a distillation of style, fashion and music

As a child, how did you imagine your life would be?
Married and in a career, without children; but now I can’t wait two have at least two!
Style: what does it mean to you, and what role has it played in your life?
It expresses the best of my personality. I don’t like following trends, I prefer to have my own style and wear things I really like.
When was the last time you got upset?
Last night: I was watching Mum and I missed the plane!
You’re Milanese born and bred but you have close ties to Florence. Give us your tips for living Florence 24/7?
Unmissable (and classic) is a trip to the Uffizi, breakfast or lunch at La Menagere, a walk over Ponte Vecchio to Palazzo Vecchio, dinner at the trattoria Coco Lezzone and sleep at The St. Regis Florence.
Your must-have accessory for this winter season?
Boots in bright colours.
Catherine away from social media: where do your greatest passions lie?
Music, film and travel.
A dream?
To live in Los Angeles
A nightmare?
To lose the people I love.
Model, influencer and… DJ: leave us with your top three.
This is not a love song by Public Image Ltd, Rapace by Afterhours and Blue Monday by New Order.