Antonio De Virgiliis
The 40th birthday of the famous entrepreneur: shows and fires for guests

Antonio, what has this party meant to you?
It was my first party: my birthday is in August and I usually celebrate it with a few close friends. But this is a special year, and the evening was also a way to thank Florence, a city that I love deeply and that has hosted me for twenty years.
The meeting that changed your life?
The one with my mother, who died prematurely just few years ago, and to whom I dedicated the party. And meetings with a few other people with whom I’ve been able to share the value of friendship.
A project aimed toward the future.
Taking on new business challenges despite this period of crisis: instead I think it’s a moment full of opportunities.
What do you seek when travelling and what do you always have with you.
I go in search of feelings and emotions related to discovering new things; I always have with me the images and scents of the world I’ve encountered.
The places of your Florence.
The atmosphere of a magic place like the Hotel Villa San Michele in Fiesole. And the Ponte Vecchio, heart of the Florence I feel is mine.
Your motto.
That which is really a life rule for me: don’t put off till tomorrow what you could do today. Carpe diem.