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Florence and the Duomo seen from above
February 27, 2021

What happens until 6 April 2021 with the new Draghi decree

Ancora un mese di restrizioni, fino a dopo Pasqua, ma riaprono teatri e cinema dal 27 marzo

The first Draghi decree, valid until April 6, 2021 (Tuesday after Easter), confirms the line of the previous decrees maintaining the different zones per region according to the different RT values. The prohibition to move between regions (except for work or health reasons) and the curfew from 10pm to 5am are confirmed. Restaurants will only be able to work with seating until 6pm and only if in a yellow zone.
The most significant changes are the closure of hair salons in the red zone and the reopening of theaters and cinemas from March 27.

People living in the yellow and orange zones can go to second homes, even outside their own region, as long as they are not in the dark orange or red zones.

If you live in a dark orange or red zone, you cannot move to your second home, even if it is in your own region.
It is allowed to move only for the cohabiting family unit and you cannot move other people. You can move only if you own your second home or have a lease in place before February 14, 2021.
Those who live in the yellow zone can reach relatives and friends in their own region, but only with a limit of 2 people, bringing with them children under 14 years of age. Those who live in the orange zone can visit friends or relatives only in their own municipality.

For services and stores the rules of the previous DPCM remain with restaurants and bars open until 18 only in the yellow zone and with a maximum of 4 people at the table (if not cohabiting). Takeaway is allowed until 10 pm and home delivery is always allowed.

Clothing stores can stay open if they are not in the red zone. Hairdressers must also close if they are in the lockdown zone (in the previous decree the closure was never foreseen).

On March 27, for World Theatre Day, theaters and cinemas can reopen but only if they are in the yellow zone and with the limitations of the safety distance and all the rules provided for the emergency covid.

Museums and exhibitions can only open in the yellow zones and only during the week, after March 27th they can also open on weekends but only by reservation.

Gyms and swimming pools will remain closed at least until April 6, while it is possible to practice sports outdoors or in equipped facilities. In the red zone, sporting activities are confined to the vicinity of one's home. They don't even reopen the lifts in the mountains so the ski season is definitely off.

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