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Conte al Senato
November 2, 2020

What changes after Conte's intervention at the Chamber

Museums close, curfew at 9 p.m. and reduced travel between regions

Today the President of the Council intervened in the Chamber to illustrate the measures that will be within the new dpcm. Pending the speech to the Senate scheduled at 5 p.m., we anticipate the most important measures that should be in force until December 4.

Curfew at 21. All activities will be closed after 21, and move only for proven occupational or health needs.

Museums and exhibitions will be closed. After the tightening of theaters and cinemas, now it is also the turn of art.

They close on holidays and pre-holidays shopping centers (with the exception of grocery stores, parapharmacies, pharmacies and newsstands inside the centers).
Reduction to 50% of the capacity limit of local public transport.

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