Visits, travel and second homes: what changes with the new Draghi decree
Visits, travel and second homes: what changes with the new Draghi decree
The new decree-law has been issued, with which the new Prime Minister Draghi, in agreement with the majority, is attempting to stem the rise of Covid infections in Italy.
Faced with the virus' runaway, and growing concern about the English variant, according to the latest orders issued by Health Minister Speranza on 13 and 20 February, Italy is divided as follows:
yellow zone: Calabria, Basilicata, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Lombardy, Marche, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Valle d'Aosta, Veneto;
orange zone: Abruzzo, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Liguria, Molise, Tuscany, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Autonomous Province of Trento, Umbria;
red zone: no region, but locally scattered micro red zones.
The new decree provides for
extension, until 27 March 2021, throughout the national territory, of the ban on moving between different Regions or Autonomous Provinces, including those falling within the yellow zone.
travel motivated by proven work requirements or situations of necessity or health reasons is still allowed.
Returning to one's residence, domicile or home is always permitted, provided that one has moved for one of the reasons of necessity.
In the red zones it is not allowed to visit friends or relatives in a house other than one's own.
travel to inhabited private homes remains permitted, between 5 a.m. and 10 p.m., in the yellow zone within the same Region and in the orange zone within the same Municipality, up to a maximum of two people, who may bring with them children under 14 years of age (or other children under 14 years of age over whom they exercise parental responsibility) and disabled or non-self-sufficient cohabitating persons.
It is still allowed to go to second homes even if they are in the red zone.
It is not allowed to leave one's own region for tourism.
Moving between regions
The ban on travelling between regions, including the yellow zone, has been extended until 27 March. However, travel is permitted for "proven needs" and therefore for work, health and urgent reasons. In order to cross regional borders, it is necessary to have a self-certification form and the necessary documentation to prove that the move falls within the permitted exceptions. The rules make it clear that "the truthfulness of self-certifications will be subject to subsequent checks and the falsity of what is declared constitutes an offence". There are no restrictions on the means of transport used: one can travel by train, car or plane.
In the red zones it is not allowed "to visit friends or relatives in a house other than one's own". This is the rule introduced in the decree on travel approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers. Those living in the yellow and orange zones will still be able to visit their friends or relatives, although they will have to respect certain rules.
Yellow zone - In this case, it is allowed to visit relatives and friends "only once a day and in a maximum of two people in addition to children under 14 years of age". You can go from 5am to 10pm and always within your own region.
Orange zone - In this case, visiting relatives and friends is allowed "only once a day and for a maximum of two people in addition to children under 14". You can go from 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. and always stay within your municipality.
Small municipalities - For those who live in the orange belt regions in a municipality with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants, visits to relatives and friends are allowed from 5am to 10pm "even to different municipalities, provided they are within 30 kilometres of the borders".
Second homes
It is still allowed to go to second homes even if they are in the red zone.
The destination house must not be inhabited by people not belonging to the family nucleus.
Yellow zone - In second homes that are located within their own region in the yellow zone, the rule about visiting relatives and friends applies. This means that two people can go together, even with children under 14, even if the house is inhabited. But in this case you cannot stay overnight.
It is not permitted to go outside one's own region for reasons of tourism, and therefore it is excluded to stay - even for long periods - in hotels or rented houses or other accommodation. You are not allowed to go on a trip out of the region even if you observe curfew hours.