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February 24, 2021

Tuscany Orange zone

Ma Siena, Pistoia e Cecina confermati in Zona Rossa

Pistoia and Cecina in Red Zone, Siena from Saturday, February 27. This move by Governor Giani has averted the passage of the Region into lockdown. 
Just this Monday, in fact, Governor Eugenio Giani had given the green light to the local Red Zones. Given the new Rt index that is at 1.25, the threshold beyond which you go in the Red Zone.
"We are on the edge - says the Regional Councillor for Health, Simone Bezzini - There is a slight probability that we will still be in Orange rather than Red, but everything is still in doubt". 
Giani, on the other hand, says he is "moderately optimistic" for the coming week, despite admitting that "the infections are worrying: we have gone from 400-500 cases a day at the beginning of January to the current 900, with a moderate but constant growth".
But there is one big change coming before the general lockdown of the Red Zone, namely the "Dark Orange" zone.

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