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Olimpiadi Parigi 2024
July 26, 2024

Tuscan athletes at the 2024 Paris Olympics

38 athletes fly to Paris and dream of medals

Tuscany has always been a land of excellence for sports. It is the third region in Italy, after Lombardy and Lazio, in terms of the number of athletes participating in the Paris Olympic Games; a confirmation of the history and traditions that have a solid base in the reliability of Tuscan clubs, true schools of sports and life.

38 qualified athletes (20 women and 18 men): 12 athletes from Florence; 7 from Pisa, 6 from Livorno, 4 from Siena, 3 from Prato, 3 from Massa-Carrara, 2 from Lucca and one from Arezzo. Water sports are the most represented with 13 athletes, athletics with 10, and then fencing with 5 and cycling, tennis and shooting with 2. Only one Tuscan representative in breaking, rowing, volleyball and taekwondo.

Below is the list of athletes dreaming of a medal.

Silvia Terrazzi
Lisa Angiolini
Matilde Biagiotti
Leonardo Deplano
Francesca Fangio
Sara Franceschi
Lapo Bianciardi
Anna Bongiorni
Samuele Ceccarelli
Andrea Cosi
Leonardo Fabbri
Larissa Iapichino
Chiebuca Emmanel
Daniele Meucci
Gabriele Cimini
Filippo Macchi
Pietro Torre
Irene Vecchi
Alice Volpi
Irene Siragusa
Claudio Michel Stecchi
Filippo Megli
Lorenzo Zazzeri
Giulia Gabbrielleschi
Ginevra Taddeucci
Caterina Banchelli
Lorenzo Bruni
Giuditta Galardi
Chiara Tabani
Silvia Terrazzi
Alberto Bettiol
Vittoria Guazzini
Lorenzo Musetti
Jasmine Paolini
Martina Bartolomei
Gabriele Rossetti
Carlotta Cambi
Simone Alessio
Antilai Sandrini


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