The most beautiful nativity scenes in Tuscany
Traditional, mechanical, ecological or in the grotto: all the various representations of the Nativity not to be missed
Accanto a luci, alberi e addobbi, sono tanti i presepi che colorano e animano le piazze della toscana. Che sia tradizionale, tecnologico, vivente o allestito in magnifiche grotte, la rappresentazione della Natività rimane una tradizione molto sentita in tutta la Toscana.
Per questo, oltre ai presepi più belli di Firenze, vi consigliamo quelli da visitare nei borghi della nostra regione.

Piazza del Duomo becomes the main stage for this Christmas show. The tree will be put up on the 8th of December to delight the young and old. In the churchyard of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, the live nativity scene is a true masterpiece. Meanwhile, until Jan. 6, the common parts of the Rivoli Boutique Hotel will be invaded by more than 30 handcrafted cribs made by Claudio Ladurini. Then on January 6, there will be the spectacular Cavalcade of the Three Kings along the streets of the historic centre, inspired by the famous cycle of frescoes by Benozzo Gozzoli at Palazzo Medici Riccardi: a parade of 700 people in costumes on foot and on horseback, including the magnificent Three Kings, who will parade up to Piazza del Duomo.

Petroio (Vinci, Florence)
A monumental and mechanical nativity scene set up outside covering an entire hill. Open from 7 Dec to 12 Jan. It is organised by the Parish of Santa Maria a Petroio in the municipality of Vinci in Via di Petroio 7. Weekdays from 2.30pm to 7.30pm; holidays and days before holidays from 9.30am to 7.30pm, closed in case of bad weather.
Il Borro (Arezzo)
In the old village which is part of the estate and resort of the same name, it is possible to visit the ancient Mechanical Nativity Scene in the local church of S. Biagio all year round. A magnificent work of art, created in the 50s with accurate and detailed movements that delights visitors with its magic.

Montevarchi (Arezzo)
Talking about the town of Valdarno, it is impossible to not mention the Old Mechanical Nativity scene set up inside the church of the Capuchin fathers, located on the hill overlooking the city. You can visit it from 8 December to the first Sunday after Epiphany, and every day before the holidays from 3pm to 5.30pm, Sundays and during the holidays from 10am to 5.30pm.
It is known as one of the best nativity scenes in Italy, the mechanical nativity scene of the Siena railway station. It was created in 1995 by Giancarlo Palazzi, who was an employee of the railway. Every year new figurines are added to it (all from San Gregorio Armeno in Naples) with over 400 different special effects in lighting, sounds and movement.It is open to the public from 22 December to the first Sunday after Epiphany from 3pm to 7pm, and is located on platform 1 next to the waiting room.
Monte Oliveto Maggiore Abbey (Asciano, Si)
Located in the crypt of the ancient and spectacular abbey in perfect eighteenth-nineteenth-century style, it is set among the gullies of the Crete Senesi that slope down towards the sea and the desert, right up to the scene of Bethlehem and the nativity in the grotto surrounded by angels.
Pescia (Pistoia)
Imagine a live nativity scene with people in lavish costumes: shepherds, the three wise men, angels, real animals and, of course, the ‘holy family’ that every year hold in their arms a beautiful little baby Jesus wrapped in warm woollen blankets. An event held on the river bank. Sunday 29 December and Monday 6 January from 2pm to 6pm.

The nativity scene laid out in the Church of Santa Maria Corteorlandini is really amazing. The large and authentic seventeenth-century statues in plaster, straw, and papier‑mâché model a refined collection of period silk clothes that evoke the tradition of seventeenth-century Lucca workmanship. Located in Via Santa Maria Corteorlandini, 10a.
Cigoli (San Miniato,Pisa)
It boasts the largest mechanical nativity scene in Italy. Over one hundred square metres displaying the Holy Land of two thousand years ago. Located in via Fiume, 45, from 7 December to 12 January, from 10am to 12pm and from 3.30pm to 6.30pm every day.
Equi Terme (Fivizzano, Massa Carrara)
It is the most traditional Tuscan live nativity scene. It takes place in this small village in Lunigiana with a magical procession through the streets of the town holding torches and candles. The streets are transformed into craft shops all the way to the entrance of the thermal caves where the nativity is located. On 25 and 26 December from 8.30pm to 11.30pm and on 27 and 28 December from 6pm to 9pm.