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Mille miglia
February 9, 2021

The 1000 Miglia 2021 makes a stop in Viareggio

From 16 to 19 June the vintage cars of the most beautiful race in the world return and the first stop is in our Versilia

Enzo Ferrari called it “the most beautiful race in the world”. It is without doubt the most spectacular international vintage car race: the Mille Miglia. It is a legend, symbol of passion for cars, which this year makes a stop in Viareggio.

The calendar of the 1000 Miglia 2021 would be set from May 12 to 15, four days of stage racing, with the first leg from Brescia to Viareggio, on the 12th, to start again on the 13th

After Viareggio, passing through Pisa, Castiglione della Pescaia and Grosseto, there will be the arrival in Rome, then the Apennine climb up to Bologna, passing first through Arezzo, Montevarchi and Prato and finally the return to Brescia.

Another novelty of this 2021 is the return to the origins: the Mille Miglia will have the direction of travel reversed compared to recent editions, taking up the counterclockwise direction that characterized the first speed races.


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