The illustrated imagery of Silvia Baroncelli at the time of the Coronavirus
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"When I was little, I loved to draw... even when I grew up!"
She is Silvia Baroncelli, illustrator from Prato with a long list of publications. There isn't a parent who doesn't know her books and there isn't a child who doesn't love them, because they are her favourite audience: the little ones. And even when she draws for an adult audience, she takes the reader by the hand, taking him back to the territories of his childhood, where everything seems simpler and more reassuring.

Illustrator, but before that, mother of two girls, she created the work Didattica a distanza (Distance Teaching), which will surely have something extremely familiar for many of us: on the one hand, the 7-year-old daughter, who follows the video lessons with her class, to whom she thinks about with nostalgia, as well as the recreation bell, the hands clasping, the blackboard; on the other hand, the little one, who entertains herself with her toys, while mum and dad are always around, ready to intervene in case of technical problems (microphones that don't go off, chats that don't open...).

After attending the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, Silvia took her favorite colors and brushes and left for London where she worked as an Artist in Residence no less than at the British Museum.
She has been working as an illustrator since 2005, collaborating with numerous Italian publishers, such as Giunti, Il Castoro, EL, De Agostini, Raffaello, and foreign publishers, such as the American Amicus publisher and the German Kosmos Verlag. In addition to working for several children's magazines and as graphic designer.

His illustrations, characterized by brilliant colors and dreamlike scenes, have received prizes and awards, including the one as Illustrator of the Year in 2016, in the competition organized by The City of the Sun.

In 2019 she edited a publication for the Ministry of Equal Opportunities, for a project aimed at raising awareness among children and teachers in primary school on the theme of breaking down gender stereotypes. And she teaches at Laba (Libera Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence), also holding illustration workshops for art schools and creative workshops for children, where participants can experiment techniques and exercises aimed at stimulating the imagination.