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Caterina Metti detail

text: Virginia Mammoli

April 28, 2020

The illustrated imagery of Caterina Metti at the time of the Coronavirus

The sixth author's drawing of The illustrations of

Caterina Metti is an emerging illustrator from Calenzano, whose talent has been sniffed out since Australia, where the Red Paper Kite publishing house is located, for which she recently illustrated two children's books: Snoozette (2019) and The Lost Moustache (2020).

The pirates of her latest effort, THE LOST MOUSTACHE

For The Illustrations of, as a good lockdown citizen, he chose a world he has been exploring lately, alongside the traditional technique that remains his preferred form of expression.
"This time, not being able to move from home to scan the work, I wanted to opt for digital. I work little in digital, it was a real adventure and discovery!", she tells us.

"Book, Oil and Tomato". The resilience to the time of the Coronavirus by Caterina Metti

Book, Oil and Tomato. The resilience to the time of the Coronavirus by Caterina Metti
And here he is! Book, Oil and Tomato: "With this illustration I wanted to show what for me are two fundamental tools for learning resilience, culture and the importance of words. In this suspended time I would propose to feed on culture, to absorb culture in a different way, rediscovering our individuality in it. And then for me books are sliced like bread, we eat the hills above Florence, savouring the memory of them with the Perspective of being able to see them again soon".

Caterina Metti, "hunting season"

Her favorite materials are watercolor paper and gouache, occasionally using pencils to define the contours. Graphite also occupies an important place in his work, often used as a base on which to apply colour, which is extremely material. One of the protagonists of his illustrations, together with an extremely personal trait.

Caterina Metti, "dog laughing"

She did not study art, but he says he had an excellent "mentor", the Florentine illustrator Andrea Ricciardi di Gaudesi. "It was precisely in that period that I lived more closely and assiduously Florence. From him it was like going to a workshop, his teaching was above all to give me an imprint, an approach to the subject of illustration with respect to which I was immature, and many notions of fine drawing, to which I was always ready to transgress at some point".

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