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Andrea De Luca detail

text: Virginia Mammoli

May 4, 2020

The illustrated imagery of Andrea De Luca at the time of the Coronavirus

The eighth author's drawing of The illustrations of

Born and raised in Florence, since childhood Andrea De Luca has cultivated a passion for drawing. From a course at the Istituto d'Arte di Porta Romana his love for graphic arts and in particular for engraving, from which he derives his characteristic hatching of clean, clean lines.
The unpredictable, the past that unites with the future, reality with fiction, are the "ingredients" that make his drawings unique.

Andrea De Luca for The illustrations of firenzemadeintuscany, "Ponti"

For our series of artwork he has created "Ponti", "inspired by the importance that we have seen in this period of time in terms of the links to maintain and build," he explains. A small invitation to reflect on these links at a distance and the need to find ourselves again.

Two illustrations taken from the series made for the Museum System of the University of Florence, 2019

Ink, gouges and nibs, but also some digital work. Engraving techniques from the 19th century and technology meet with a graphic composition rich in detail, giving life to works with a vintage yet modern touch. Where you can feel all his passion for antique prints and that world made of old illustrated volumes, with their scientific details and elegant graphic opulence.

"Molto Rumore Per Nulla", cover for Mondadori Oscar Classici, 2019

This search for style has led him to publish for Mondadori, Corriere della Sera, Emergency and many other collaborations in Italy and abroad, and to be chosen for important competitions and exhibitions.

Helmets, medieval coats of arms, small disturbing and funny characters at the same time, reminiscent of sixteenth-century artists such as Bruegel and Bosch, are just some of the elements one gets into looking at his work.

"E Svenne", for the Dante Plus exhibition in 2018

Today he works as an illustrator and graphic designer in a studio in Florence, Officina Grafica, specialized in the design of wine labels. At the same time he carries on personal projects related to illustration and beyond.


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