The exhibitions that were scheduled in November in Florence
From the Uffizi to Palazzo Strozzi, to the Museo del Novecento. Here are the openings that will probably be postponed
Almost certainly in the next dpcm, anticipated today by Conte alla Camera, also the Museums will have to close. Here are the exhibitions that were scheduled for this autumn in the most important museums of the city.

There are three temporary exhibitions in progress at the Uffizi: we start from the last one in order of time Imperatrici, matrone, liberte. Faces and secrets of Roman women (November 2 - February 14), a journey in three sections between the opposite models that characterize the representation of women in the Roman world: the negative exempla, the positive models and finally the public role granted to the matrons. The time span includes a widely documented period, the golden one of the Principality, ranging from the rise of Augustus to the death of Marcus Aurelius.
Also in the Uffizi until February 24, Wright of Derby. Science and Art, curated by Alessandra Griffo, who is hosting for the first time in Italy Joseph Wright of Derby's masterpiece, "Experiment on a bird inserted in a pneumatic pump" (1768) by the National Gallery of London: a candlelight painting, an icon of the history of science, which in this era marked by a global health emergency imposes itself on the attention of the public with unexpected accents of current events.

Raphael and the return of the Medici Pope: restorations and discoveries curated by Marco Ciatti and Eike Schmidt, scheduled at Palazzo Pitti until January 31. After the restoration of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure and the exhibition at the beginning of the great exhibition organized at the Scuderie del Quirinale in Rome for the five hundredth anniversary of Raphael's death, the Portrait of Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de' Medici and Luigi de' Rossi is back in Florence. The exhibition documents its restoration and scientific interpretations.
Palazzo Strozzi, in the aftermath of the conclusion of Tomàs Saraceno's exhibition, has already put some important points on the next exhibitions, as the director Arturo Galansino had anticipated in our interview. From 3 December to 7 February 2021 he presents We Rise by Lifting Others, a new project by Italian artist Marinella Senatore. Curated by Arturo Galansino, general director of the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi, the project consists of a large installation for the courtyard, inspired by the illuminations of the popular tradition of southern Italy, and a program of participatory workshops, focused on the idea of social activation and community building through performance practice. In the spring, from 6 March to 25 July 2021 Palazzo Strozzi presents American Art 1961-2001, a major exhibition that for the first time recounts modern art in the United States between two decisive historical moments, the beginning of the Vietnam War and the attack of 11 September 2001, through an extraordinary selection of works by famous artists such as Jasper Johns, Donald Judd, Barbara Kruger, Robert Mapplethorpe, Kerry James Marshall, Bruce Nauman, Cindy Sherman, Robert Rauschenberg, Kara Walker and Andy Warhol. Next fall the appointment is with the retrospective dedicated to Jeff Koons.

After almost 50 years Henry Moore returns to Florence: it was 1972 when the sculptor was the protagonist of the memorable exhibition at the Forte di Belvedere. From 13th November to 23rd May 2021 the Museo Novecento presents Il Disegno dello Scultore. Henry Moore, exhibition curated by Sergio Risaliti, Artistic Director of the Museo Novecento, and Sebastiano Barassi, Head of Henry Moore Collections and Exhibitions, will see the Florentine museum host a large selection of drawings, about seventy, together with graphics and sculptures.