Taste in Florence 2025
From 8 to 10 February at the Fortezza da Basso, the fair dedicated to excellence in taste is back. In the city many brunches, aperitifs and tastings not to be missed
At the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, the appointment with TASTE. In viaggio con le diversità del gusto.. The Pitti Immagine show aimed at food & beverage professionals, takes place Feb. 8-10 and is a must-attend event for food and gastronomy lovers. To learn more about the event, click here and read our interview with Davide Paolini, creator of Taste!

The most important innovations at this edition of Taste 2025
Over 700 companies present.
Born under the sign of taste is the theme of Taste 2025: sweet and savoury excellence, to eat and to drink. They shine like solitary stars, but they shine even brighter together when - like so many points of light - they draw new constellations, new flavour combinations that fascinate and amaze. The Fortezza da Basso is transformed into a fascinating firmament of constellations in which novelties, contents and experiences intertwine.
Masterclasses Dedicated to Eroic Wines: Masterclasses dedicated to true wine enthusiasts are being held on Saturday, February 8 and Sunday, February 9 in the Masterclass room of the Gravel Pavilion of the Fortress. Find out more here.
New layout for the Padiglione delle Ghiaie: a meeting point for the public of the event, who will be able to meet here to attend presentations, events and masterclasses. On the stage of the Unicredit Taste Arena will be Davide Paolini with his Ring and many other protagonists of the food world. While in the space dedicated to Filippo - Ristorante a Pietrasanta, famous dishes made in Versilia and themed tastings will be staged.
Presentation of The Go-To Restaurants. I ristoranti da non perdere di Firenze by Davide Paolini (Gruppo Editoriale) A new guide to the restaurants not to be missed in Florence signed by Davide Paolini. The journalist and gastronome, an explorer of the most authentic flavours, selects and recounts them one by one with a wealth of details, curiosities and highlights of the menu and raw materials.
During the three days of the event, opening hours for professionals and operators in the sector are always 9.30 a.m. - 6.30 p.m.. The public of enthusiasts can only enter on Saturday and Sunday with opening hours of 2.30-6.30 pm, while Monday is entirely reserved for business to business.
How to visit Taste 2025
Central Hall | Attic Floor savoury exhibits.
Central Pavilion | Ground Floor ‘hybrid’ proposal of sweet and savoury.
Cavaniglia Pavilion dedicated to sweets; there is also a section dedicated to Taste Spirits with 34 labels including Gin, Vermouth and Bitters.
On the Attic and Ground Floors of the Central Pavilion, the Taste Tools section presents a selection of accessories for the table and kitchen, combining craftsmanship and technology.
Fuori di Taste
A calendar of themed tastings, special events, talks and new ways of interpreting food that brings together the companies participating in the event and some of the city's most beautiful locations and venues.
10 February 7 pm: Dinner party at Officine Gullo House
On the occasion of the presentation of the book The Go-To Restaurants, Restaurants not to be missed in Florence (published by Gruppo Editoriale, edited by Davide Paolini) the exclusive Dinner Party at Officine Gullo House. Entrance by invitation only.

8 February from 8 pm: Romagna Segreta at the Teatro del Sale
The Teatro del Sale hosts the dinner event Romagna Segreta by Enio Ottaviani - Vini e Vigneti. The chefs of Teatro del Sale and Cibrèo propose a menu featuring the region's top producers: Enio Ottaviani - Vini e Vigneti, Birra Viola, Biscotti Bizantini, Cioccolateria Gardini, Clai, Fresco Piada, NeroFermento, Vongole Bernardi.
Price: 50,00 +15,00 (membership card Teatro del Sale: https://circo-lo.teatrodelsale.com/) for information +39 3371580452 - +39 0552001492 - booking@cibreo.com

Friday 7 February, 6 to 8 p.m.: Origini party
An exclusive event to celebrate the philosophy from land to plate of Riso Vignola 1880 and Borgo Santo Pietro through the creative marvels of Chef Ariel Hagen in the cosy and cosmopolitan setting of the Saporium Lounge. Cocktail selection by Nicola Spaggiari, contemporary mixology and the green soul of Borgo Santo Pietro.Only for holy, modern and joyful souls. Two slots from 6 to 7 pm and 7 to 8 pm. Free event for information compulsory booking: lounge@saporium.com

Friday 7 February, from 6 to 8 p.m.: Oleum di Vinum. The contaminations and immersions of Pieve di Campoli at the Church of Santo Stefano al Ponte
The former Church of Santo Stefano al Ponte hosts an immersive video setting on Pieve di Campoli, an oleo wine-growing reality in Chianti Classico. The ‘Oleum Di Vinum’ round table with Prof. Paolo Nanni, Don Giuliano Landini, Chef Vito Mollica, and journalist Aldo Fiordelli concludes with refreshments. In collaboration with Radio Toscana.
Free event for information info@pievedicampoli.it and listening to Radio Toscana (https://www.radiotoscana.it/)
Feb. 8 from 8:30 p.m.: Farms in town at Lo Spaccio restaurant at Fattoria di Maiano
The Miari Fulcis Family, owners of Fattoria di Maiano and the Bolli Family of the historic Fattoria Il Palagiaccio, are joining the kitchens of their restaurants and organizing a tasting dinner featuring their flagship products: cheeses, meats, honey and the highly prized Laudemio extra virgin olive oil. It will be an opportunity to discover not only new flavors but also the history and experience that characterize these two important entities. Price: 55.00 euros for information eventi@contemiarifulcis.it -

7 February from 18.30 to 20.30: Ginarte at Café Lietta
An evening of cocktails and music dedicated to discovering GinArte . The mixologists will take you on a journey through the perfumes and refined notes of the 13 botanicals used for distillation . Tradition will be enriched with new inspirations... a sweet gift for participants. Free event for information 055 2696874
7 February from 7.30 pm: A Stellar Dinner at Il Santo Bevitore
The Paglione taste constellation, among tomatoes and artisanal wines, illuminates the tasting menu devised by the kitchen of ‘Il Santo Bevitore’. Two historical realities, one Apulian and the other Florentine, born more than three decades ago, under the sign of taste meet to inaugurate the new season of Taste. info for information 055 211264
Cibrèo Ristorante & Cocktail Bar together with Accademia del Caffè Espresso, bring to life NUOVO CAFFÈ PARADISO, a gastronomic experience held in the prestigious Cibrèo spaces located inside the Helvetia & Bristol Hotel. Cibrèo Group Executive Chef Oscar Severini and Cibrèo Ristorante & Cocktail Bar Resident Chef Gabriele Avanzi involved the Chefs and Coffee Team of Accademia del Caffè Espresso, a cultural center devoted to the promotion of espresso coffee created by La Marzocco within its old production facility. From this union of knowledge came a unique menu, which will be offered in a dinner-event to discover the complexity of Coffee in all its forms. 5 courses and 4 cocktails that will tell the story of coffee in all its evolution: flower, berry, bean, processing and extraction will be the protagonists of a new culinary experience that will surprise, intrigue and excite. Price: 100.00 for information write to booking@cibreo.com or by calling +39 055 2665651.

8 February from 8.45 am to 11.45 am: Discovering Antonio Mattei's Historical Workshop
Biscottificio Antonio Mattei has decided to open its historic workshop in Prato to the public. On the occasion of Taste, on the morning of Saturday 8 February, the workshop will open free of charge for all fair ticket holders from 8.45 to 11.45 am. Visits will be for a maximum of 10 people at a time, reservation required (write to elisabetta@antoniomattei.it - subject BOOKING VISIT LAB. TASTE 2025), every 45 minutes (visit 20 minutes + tasting). Price: 7.00 (free for Taste ticket holders) for information
8 February from 1 pm: Nugolo's cuisine meets La Leccia farm wines and Morelli liqueurs and spirits
The Nugolo restaurant in Via della Mattonaia develops a captivating menu to match the wines of FATTORIA LA LECCIA. Marco Morelli will present LIQUORI MORELLI liqueurs and distillates. Price: 60.00 for information reservations@ilnugolo.com
8 February from 16.00 to 21.00: Affinity of couples: Wanda & Terroir!
Affinity of a couple - Wanda & Terroir! Wanda's specialities by Chef Enrica della Martira paired with coffee by Terroir by Fratelli Bonacchi TASTING MENU Espresso dona Elda + homemade shortbread 6€ Ethiopia filter + Wanda's spoon dessert 8€ Kenya cocktail + mini gourmet sandwich 12€ Tasting of the three 22€. Pay event for information 055 016 1009
8 February from 6 pm: Ferragamo's cocktails at Picteau Bistrot & Bar
The Picteau Bistrot & Bar, in collaboration with the Ferragamo Museum, is hosting a special cocktail drink list inspired by the recipes of Salvatore and Wanda Ferragamo. From glamorous 1920s Hollywood parties to family notes for guests, each drink celebrates intuition, creativity and unique memories. Price: per drink for information +39 055 27264997 picteau@lungarnocollection.com
8 February from 7 pm: Under the sign of pizza at the Mercato Centrale Florence
From 8 to 10 February on the first floor of the Mercato Centrale Firenze, come and discover the special menu in the Pizzeria dedicated to the 4 elements of the zodiac. On the evening of Saturday 8 February, an illustrator will present a special themed drawing. Price: €25.00 for information info.firenze@mercatocentrale.it - +39 055 2399798
9 February from 18.30 to 20.00: Da Luca's Restaurant, the first Party Box by Cru Caviar
Luca's Restaurant, signed Paulo Airaudo at La Gemma Hotel, presents an absolute preview of the Party Box by Cru Caviar. The highlight will be the opening of the 1 kg tin of caviar by the Caviar Maitre, with tasting in purity. This will be followed by an aperitif with tastings of Luca's iconic dishes paired with Cru Caviar and Italian sparkling wines of excellence. Price: 35.00 for information 055 010 5200 - booking strongly recommended
9 February at 7 pm: ‘O Munaciello meets the Moera: Irpinian suggestions in the Oltrarno
The flavours of Irpinia land in Florence: in a tasting menu to be discovered, chef Lisa Conti will treasure the precious advice of Francesco and Diana, owners of the Avella company, to make the most of the products on offer, from pestos to jams, with one aim in mind: to transport us to Campania. Event with fee for information 3926373963 firenze@munaciello.com
10 February at 8.30 p.m.: Dinner at 6 hands with Mario Cipriano, Massimo Giovannini of Apogeo and Klaus Palumbo of Acquaefarina
An evening with three protagonists of the yeast world: Mario Cipriano will host Massimo Giovannini of Apogeo (Pietrasanta) and Klaus Palumbo of Acquaefarina (Trento). Together they will offer a tasting of fried food, Neapolitan pizza and contemporary pizza. Partners of the event Molino Fagioli and Armatore, with its sustainable fishing products. Event with fee for information 055 7605302