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September 14, 2015

Prince of Dreams in Florence

From September 15 at the Palazzo Vecchio twenty tapestries Medici reunited after 150 years

Prince of Dreams arrives in his hometown. After Rome and Milan, scheduled among the highlights of the Expo, last September 15, the exhibition arrives in Florence in the Hall of the Two Hundred in Palazzo Vecchio
An exhibition is a tribute to Italy yesterday, today and tomorrow. The series of 20 tapestries depicting the "Stories of Joseph the Jew", commissioned in the sixteenth century (Florence 1545-1553) by Cosimo I de 'Medici, is one of the finest examples of Renaissance art and crafts.

The precious nucleus tissue from the Flemish Jan Rost and Nicolas Karcher cartoons made by some of the most important artists of the Renaissance - Agnolo Bronzino, Jacopo Pontormo and Francesco Salviati - has been exposed for more than a century in the Hall of the Two Hundred in the Palazzo Vecchio, for then it is stored in warehouses until the last century when it was exposed to the public after the Unification of Italy. The complete series are now preserved in Florence ten pieces (in the restoration laboratory on the top floor of the Palazzo Vecchio), while the other ten were taken to Rome in 1882, at the behest of the Savoy, to adorn the halls of the Quirinale.

Despite this dismemberment it remains an exceptional, if not unique, a number so large that it is preserved in its entirety. In 1983 the tapestries were finally removed from the walls of the Hall of the thirteenth century to be subjected to investigation on their conservation status and to start the restoration began in 1985.
The speech was given and concluded the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence.

Not to be missed.


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