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Virginia Mammoli ph. Mengoni

July 29, 2015

Polimoda in Paris with Linda Loppa

Linda Loppa is the new director of Platform Strategy & Vision for Polimoda in Paris

New in Polimoda with Linda Loppa, director of the school of high specialization in fashion since 2009, becomes the new diettore Platform Strategy & Vision for Polimoda in Paris from January 1, 2016.

A curriculum of honor of strong experience and many projects in the field of contemporary art for the world of fashion, which will not go unnoticed in the Grand Paris, one of the fashion city par excellence.

New Dean of Polimoda and current Head of Department Business Institute, Danilo Venturi.

While maintaining solid roots in Florence, Polimoda then launches a "Paris connection" to consolidate and develop the overall relationship.

It is precisely Linda Loppa to direct this new platform to place Polimoda in a more experimental and strategic vision, but no less real. Along with Danilo Venturi, it will write a new chapter of growth in the context of a network growing and more branched.

"A vision on education Fashion will be the theme of my new career in Polimoda when I will put new ideas and inspiration," says Linda Loppa "I'll still often in Florence to experience the highlights of the life of the institute and to share their work in Paris. I hope I can give so much to this institution I love very much. "


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