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September 8, 2017

Pitti Fragranze

From September 12 to 14, the trends of artistic perfumery at the Stazione Leopolda

From Friday 12 to Sunday, September 14, 2014, at the Stazione Leopolda, Pitti Immagine presents the new edition of Pitti Fragrance, Salon-international event that brings in Florence the best artistic perfumery.

Observatory of exception on the world of olfactory culture, Fragrances presents the most exclusive, the highest quality craftsmanship, products for the care and well-being of the body, but also cosmetics and sophisticated accessories, offered by over 200 brands among the most qualified on the world stage.

Every year in September, the big names of the industry's most prestigious and noses at the international level, they find themselves in Florence, to discuss the new scenarios and reflect on the olfactory thousand connections between the world of perfumes and the contemporary lifestyle.

To meet the increasingly diversified demand of international buyers who visit Fragrances, the proposal of the event has been expanded over time of two special sections:
_ SPRING is the area reserved for new names to the lines of young brands of fragrances that occur on a first date with an international audience and to the new realities on the market.
_ CHARMS is the space that presents a refined selection of proposals from the planet of accessories (jewelry, scarves, personal accessories and home ...), more and more indispensable element of lifestyle.

The special projects include VERBA OLENT. Travel in the literature of the perfume: a fascinating journey through the many shades of the perfume literary or literature fragrant, the brainchild of Silvia Bruno Ventre, marketing consultant of Fragrances, and curated by Giovanna Zucconi, journalist and presenter of radio and television and soul Serra & Fonseca, a brand that explores the connections between perfume and literature, art, design.

Finally, among the special participations in fragrances Pitti 12 there will also be MANE, a French company the world leader in creating fragrances and flavors.
Friday, September 12, during an exceptional event at the Stazione Leopolda, MANE illustrate the precious universe of fragrances niche through an engaging journey, which starts from the origin and the social role of perfume through the ages and in the history of costume, will lead to the discovery of the infinite olfactory richness that lies within a raw material.

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