The new projects of the Amici del Pronto Soccorso Foundation
All the innovations of the association set up to better support the emergency room
A valuable service of fundamental importance for the entire community. The first aid station intervenes in the prevention, diagnosis and management of acute and urgent issues, as well as in all those situations of fragility that affect a large segment of the population.
The non-profit organisation Amici del Pronto Soccorso, which has recently transformed from an association into a foundation, was set up to support health, social and socio-medical assistance in the field of emergency medicine through projects aimed at improving the quality of service in the Accident and Emergency department of Careggi and also of other hospitals in Tuscany.
As of 1 February 2023, the new President is Elisabetta Bardelli, with Claudia Bardelli at her side as Vice-President. The members of the new Board of Directors are: Angela Carpio, Francesco Patanè, Guido Ciompi, Matteo Guidi, Matteo Parigi Bini and Giuseppe Cristiani.

The two sisters, during the Covid-19 pandemic, had activated the fundraising campaign Amici di Firenze - Adesso tocca a noi! (Friends of Florence - It's our turn now!) on the GoFundMe platform, involving many friends, entrepreneurs, show business and sports personalities as well as other Associations and Foundations: together they managed to raise €393,450.00 to be donated to the Foundation with the aim of supporting the Emergency Department and its doctors and nurses in the battle they were facing. The funds from the collection were used to purchase ultrasound scanners for diagnosis, blood gas analysers, respirators and other useful tools to keep the most serious cases alive and increase the likelihood of recovery.
Elisabetta Bardelli, who has always been active in philanthropic actions in the social sphere, and is a former Ambassador of the Andrea Bocelli Foundation charity, Member of the Board of Directors of the ORT-Orchestra Regionale della Toscana and General Manager of the Antico Setificio Fiorentino, says: "Every day the doctors work for us and have our health in their hands, putting a lot of love and passion into what they do: my team and I intend to do the same for them with concrete and tangible actions in order to provide the best care and assistance to those in need and in difficult conditions".
The Foundation's team renews its image with a new logo: a heart emerges from the cross, the symbol of the First Aid Station, to symbolise both the passion that doctors and nurses put into their work and the sentiment that animates the Foundation, love for others; inside the heart are two hands, the largest of which represents the help that the Amici del Pronto Soccorso Foundation offers to those in need.
The Foundation strongly believes in the importance of the use of sophisticated, precise and high quality instruments that guarantee absolute timeliness. For this reason, one of its first objectives will be the purchase of high-tech medical equipment to be destined for the First Aid Posts in Tuscany, for which the Foundation already has an exceptional partner at its side, Palazzo Tornabuoni. One of the very few urban residence clubs in Europe and the first in the world to occupy a site of such historical and artistic importance, and at the behest of its President, Gabrielle Taylor, and all its members, it has generously offered its support to organise a fund-raising event in June 2023: a first significant step towards reaching the sum needed to purchase two ultrasound scanners, a GE logicS8 model with three probes.
A further objective on which the Amici del Pronto Soccorso Foundation will be working is the support and support of the elderly, one of the most fragile, lonely and in need of care and attention: many future initiatives of the Foundation will be aimed precisely at the elderly, in order to guarantee them health and human assistance.
Amici del Pronto Soccorso
ph. +39 380 4625792