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December 21, 2015

Museo Pecci, Grand Opening

Reopens October 16, 2016 the Center for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci of Prato

The countdown has begun! The Centre for Contemporary Art Luigi Pecci reopens Oct. 16, 2016 after the completion of the futuristic extension shaped spaceship by the architect originally from Indonesia stationed in Rotterdam Maurice Nio and the renovation of the original building designed by 'rationalist architect Italo Gamberini.

The establishment, which opened in 1988, is about to become an international benchmark for the testing of many contemporary artistic languages, touching film, music, perfoming arts, architecture, design, fashion and literature.

A place not only exhibition but extremely versatile, where trans-disciplinary, multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary and multi-media will be the keywords.

During his nearly thirty-year history, the Pecci Centre has created and promoted over 260 exhibition projects with a programming obsessed with innovation and experimentation.

Pending its reopening, under the direction of Fabio Cavallucci, the Pecci Centre has undertaken a number of initiatives to return to the roots of "making culture", through numerous tools dialogic and sharing such as conferences, workshops, forums, mapping of emerging creativity and a comprehensive and innovative teaching that was started by Bruno Munari.

The opening exhibition will occupy the entire surface of the Pecci Centre and will be accompanied by a series of events, theatrical and dance performances, concerts, screenings, talks and meetings.

The complex will house the archive and specialized library CID / Visual Arts, which has a collection of about 50,000 volumes, the outdoor theater, an auditorium, a bookshop, a café / bistro and a multipurpose area dedicated to children.

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