Liberation. April 25th, 2020 is much more than a celebration
Liberation Day turns 75 years old and gets more virtual
It's been over a month since the total closure of our country to fight a great common enemy called Coronavirus.

In these days our feelings have made our home scenarios as stages where our emotions have been acting: emotions of hope, fear, joy, love, loneliness sometimes.
But there is something that has won more than any other: our Belonging. A sense of belonging that has made us uniquely Italian, capable of fighting and winning, simply together.

But before May 4th, the date of "liberation" from our resilience towards our Phase Two, there is another Liberation to celebrate and honor.

In fact, April 25th is the day on which every year in Italy we celebrate the Liberation from Nazi-Fascism, which took place in 1945. 75 years ago the retreat began by the soldiers of Nazi Germany and the fascist soldiers of the Republic of Salò from the Italian cities, after the population had rebelled and the partisans had organized a coordinated plan to take back the cities.

Our thoughts go to those who, 75 years ago, fought to defend our freedom and to us today who are fighting, albeit in different ways, to defeat the coronavirus to regain the values of individual freedom.
To celebrate this important memory, the mayor Dario Nardella will lay a crown at the monument in Piazza Piazza dell'Unità, and then move to the Arengario of Palazzo Vecchio where, at 10.30 am, in the presence of the Gonfalone, the first trumpet of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Andrea Dell'Ira will sing "Bella ciao".