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Aurora Giovanni Caccamo nella Sala degli Elementi Photo A.Treves
April 23, 2021

Giovanni Caccamo's new video in the monumental rooms of Palazzo Vecchio

The track is introduced by the voice of actor Willem Dafoe, who performs an excerpt from Franco Battiato's 'I'm that'

Italian virtuoso singer-songwriter Giovanni Caccamo has chosen Palazzo Vecchio for the short film presenting Aurora, his latest track.
Produced by MUS.E and set in the monumental halls of Palazzo Vecchio, the short film will be online from 5pm today on the artist's YouTube and Vevo channel.
The short film, which sees the blossoming of a collaboration between MUS.E, Giovanni Caccamo and the Municipality of Florence in the name of contamination and the search for new artistic languages useful to communicate the richness of the heritage of the Florentine civic museums, is shot in the Salone dei Cinquecento, the Sala delle Udienze and the Sala degli Elementi, and features, together with the singer-songwriter, the dancers of the Compagnia Nuovo Balletto di Toscana directed by Cristina Bozzolini. 

The partnership between Caccamo, a singer-songwriter who is sensitive and attentive to the dialogue between the arts, and MUS.E, stems from a shared love of art and the sharing of new ways of communicating Italy's artistic heritage.
It is no coincidence that "Aurora" is being presented at this time, just a few days before the reopening of museums, theatres and places of culture. 
A journey through music, prose, cinema and literature, with the "word" as the protagonist in all its forms. "Aurora", like every song on the album, is preceded by an instrumental introduction on which an "exceptional voice" reads the text that inspired it; in this case, it is the text of the song "I'm that", written by Franco Battiato and Manlio Sgalambro and performed by the American actor Willem Dafoe.

In order to amplify the diffusion and offer an even broader interpretation of the project, the release of "Aurora" is accompanied by a series of video clips providing in-depth historical and artistic information, created for the occasion and dedicated not only to Palazzo Vecchio and the settings featured in the short film, but also to Palazzo Medici Riccardi with its evocative Chapel of the Magiaffrescata by Benozzo Gozzoli.
The clips will be shared on MUS.E and Giovanni Caccamo's social channels. The cultural content of the videos, shared on a weekly basis, is curated by MUS.E in collaboration with the singer-songwriter, and sees Angelo Maggi, actor and historic voice actor of Tom Hanks, Bruce Willis and Robert Downey Jr, lend his voice to accompany users of the social platforms in these extraordinary Florentine places.


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