Food Festivals in August
The best food and wine events in Tuscany under the sun
Summer in Tuscany does not only mean sun and sea, but also great binge eating in the open air, tasting the most typical traditional dishes at really convenient prices thanks to the rich calendar of festivals that in July and August crowd the villages of the whole region.
Here are the best not to be missed:

Sagra del Cinghiale from August 7 to 9 Palazzuolo sul Senio (FI). In the menu of the festival you will find dishes based on wild boar and typical local dishes. The food stands of the festival will open at 11 and 14:30.
Sagra della "SalCiccia" from 7th to 11th August 2020 in Roccalbegna (GR) hamlet of Santa Caterina. In the heart of the Albegna and Fiora Hills, it is a festival much awaited by gourmets in the area. The real festival starts only from Friday. On Thursdays there is the traditional village fair.

Serrazzano Festa Paesana 8-9, 15-16, 22-23 August 2020 in Pomarance (PI). For over 40 years, Serrazzano - a village between the provinces of Pisa, Siena, Grosseto and Livorno - has been celebrating the middle of August with succulent gastronomic events. Every evening we dine with grilled meat and fish. On Sundays stands are also open for lunch. But August 15th is the most eagerly awaited gastronomic moment with the Tortellata di Ferragosto: the menu includes the typical Tortelli Serrazzanini and other delicacies such as pomarancino lamb, tripe and rolled pork.

Calici di Stelle on August 10, 2020 in Massa Marittima (GR). A magical evening dedicated to Maremma wines in the ancient medieval town in the heart of Tuscany.

Sagra del Tartufo from August 13 to 16, 2020 in Chiusi della Verna (AR). The village of Chiusi della Verna celebrates the Ferragosto with the king of the table here is the black truffle collected in the woods of Casentino, of which Chiusi della Verna is part, and the nearby Valtiberina.

Sagra del Lardo di Colonnata from 16th to 19th August 2020 in Colonnata (MS) Lard from Colonnata has been made for centuries in a unique and particular way that differentiates it from any other type of lard. Its goodness and uniqueness are due to: Marble, Ingredients, Processing and Microclimate of Colonnata.

Sagra dei Porcini from 18 to 19 August 2020 in Cortona (AR). The event takes place in the Parterre Gardens on the first weekend after Ferragosto. The menu is dedicated to the delicious mushroom, cooked in various recipes, from first courses to side dishes. Among the specialties you can taste the porcini soup, escalope with mushrooms, trifoliated mushrooms and fried mushrooms, which will open in the evening for dinner from 19:00. The organization is organized by the Council of Terzieri of Cortona and the Giostra dell'Archidado.

Sagra del Fagiolo from 22 to 23 August 2020 in Pescia (PT). The Association for Sorana with the patronage of the Municipality of Pescia and the collaboration of all the producers of the Sorana Bean organizes, as per historical tradition, the "Sorana Bean Festival". Saturday 22nd August at 8.30 p.m., in the village square, dinner based on Sorana I.g.p. beans. Sunday, August 23rd at 4.00 p.m. beginning of Sorana I.g.p. bean tasting.

Sagra della Bistecca from 22 August 2020 to 1 September 2020 in Badia al Pino, Civitella in Val di Chiana (AR). We are in the homeland of Chianina, and in the more than ten days of the festival will be prepared express, in the grill set up at the stands, tasty Chianine steaks. Dinner is served every evening, but on the 25th of August, the feast of St. Bartholomew, patron saint of the town, you can also eat for lunch.

Sagra della zuppa di pane con cipollotto on 28, 29, 30, 31 August and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 September 2020 in Pian del Bichi, Roccastrada (GR). In this suggestive Tuscan view, between the Metalliferous Hills and the Upper Maremma, two weekends of good food. The program includes every evening from 19.30 the opening of the food stands, with a menu full of specialties including the bread soup with spring onion. It is a simple dish from the peasant tradition, typical of these areas.
Other festivals not to be missed:
Sagra della zuppa di Aquilea on August 2, 2020 in Lucca (LU)
Sagra del Maccherone on August 3, 2020 in Sassofortino (GR)
Vini sotto le stelle from 4 to 5 August 2020 in Camigliano Santa Gemma (LU)
Sagra della bistecca on 5 August 2020 in Montieri (GR)
Sagra del Morellino e della Brace from 13 to 19 August 2020 in Scansano (GR)
Sagra della patata macchiaiola from 16 to 18 August 2020 in Arcidosso (GR)
Festa del dolce on 18 August 2020 in Firenzuola (FI)
Sagra della Pappardella from 23 August 2020 to 1 September 2020 in Montespertoli (FI)
Festa della mora from 31 August 2020 to 2 September 2020 in Vaglia (FI)
Sagra di Fine Estate from 23 August 2020 to 8 September 2020 in Seravezza (LU)