Florence Carnival
The Grand Ball at the Palazzo Vecchio and the masked parade through the city streets
The 2025 edition of the Carnival of Florence, invades the streets of the city that baptised in the 15th century what later became a consolidated and beloved Medici tradition. The festivities were in fact accompanied by the so-called ‘carnival songs’ that became a favourite genre of Lorenzo the Magnificent, as evidenced by his composition entitled The Triumph of Bacchus and Ariadne.

Thanks to the synergy with the Carnival of Viareggio and the Carnival of Venice, in particular with the famous Doge's Ball, the Carnival of Florence aims to weave a strong artistic and cultural link between these cities that have always made Carnival a not-to-be-missed attraction for tourists from all over the world.

A Grand Palace Ball is held on 8 February in the Palazzo Vecchio. A unique and imaginative show, a tribute to the Medici family, to the female figure with the theme Queens at the Palace and to the great Genius of Leonardo da Vinci with the theme Dream of Flying. The evening will begin with a refined gala dinner in the magnificent Salone dei Cinquecento, followed by the Grand Masquerade Ball in the Sala d'Arme. Guests will be immersed in a unique atmosphere, with period costumes and a triumphant mise en place that will make the evening unforgettable.
Four types of tickets are available for the Grand Ball: diamond (1000 euro); gold (600 euro); silver (500 euro) and after dinner (100 euro single and 150 per couple). For info and reservations, click here or call +39 055 217704, or email info@carnevaledifirenze.com.

The following day, celebration for the city with the Travelling Parade through the streets of the old town (9 February 2025).
A masked parade, in synergy with Carnevalia, to invite all carnivals in Italy to participate. All those who are animated by the carnival feeling and spirit are also invited to parade. You will be able to choose your favourite choreography and parade with artists, stilt-walkers and musicians, letting yourself be carried away by the parade to arrive at a final moment in Piazza della Signoria, thus participating in the contest for the best group or single masquerade and winning the Stenterello 2025 prize made by Paolo Penko's historic goldsmith's workshop. A party designed for everyone with a large public participation that will animate the city with music, dancing and hilarity for a day of great fun.