Florence at the time of the Coranavirus
Our first unpublished short story, edited by Dario Garofalo
Within your multicolored bridges
The Arno quietly presages arena
And in calm reflexes just fringes
Stringent arches between flower touches
Blue the arch of the intercolumnus
trembling among the high buildings:
White lines in the blue: Lost
Flights: on white youth in columns.
Dino Campana, Florence, Canti Orfici

Silence. It's time to make room for words that sound like music and draw glimpses of absolute perfection. It is time to fill your eyes with beauty to regain energy. To know what we have been to have courage and hope again.

Open the window and, in whatever corner of Florence you live, follow us in this flight in a sky so blue that becomes the perfect backdrop for the white of marble. The flow of the Arno that soothes mind and heart, the arches under the Vasariano, the Ponte Vecchio empty as you have not seen it only on certain nights. A pure and beautiful Florence.
Do you miss the tourists, the swarming of colors and voices? Enjoy for a few days more noises now lost, those you hear only in the boat, in the middle of the sea. Then everything will be like before.

The deserted city has immense spaces but no time: centuries of history seem to be present here, now, so that we don't forget that you can always be reborn and do wonderful things. The history of Florence is the history of its great men, but also of a people who knew how to hope even in the darkest moments and believe in dreams.

So enjoy this deserted and perfect Florence, knowing that the difference is made by its people.

Now we stay at home, that's right, then we will come back to fill the streets and squares stronger than before. As our history teaches us.