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Fuochi d'artificio
August 26, 2024

Festa di Sant’Ermete 2024

On 26, 27 and 28 August, folklore shows, fireworks and a large fair animate Forte dei Marmi

The feast of the patron saint Sant'Ermete is one of the most eagerly awaited events in Forte dei Marmi. It is loved both by the people of Forte dei Marmi because it is the feast of the town's patron saint, but also by tourists who love to participate in this festival that symbolically marks the end of summer.

Three days of festivities between spirituality and secularity. On Monday 26 August at 9.30 p.m., the traditional parade of the historical-religious procession, which, in the presence of representatives of various Confraternities and Associations in the area, carries the Saint's relics in procession along the streets of the centre, from Piazza Dante to the Church of Sant'Ermete.

On Tuesday 27 August, from 8 a.m. throughout the morning, the Fortress Market will be held in Piazza Marconi, brought forward, as per regulations, by one day to allow the Fair to be held on Wednesday 28 August. All regulations regarding parking around the market area are brought forward to Tuesday 27 August. At 7.00 p.m., in Piazzetta Tonini, there will be the second edition concert, with free admission, Non solo Tango Quartet, organised by the Villa Bertelli Foundation. Performing in the concert will be Fabio Ditto on violin, Francesco Silvestri on piano, Michele Cosso on double bass, Giancarlo Palena on bandeneon, and special guest singer Rossella Cascasi.

At 9.00 p.m., from the parvis of the Church of Sant'Ermete, blessing of the town and the community, followed by the notes of the town band La Marinara, movement towards Piazza Garibaldi for the historic Focata di Sant'Ermete, which has its origins in the ancient custom of burning old wooden objects, both to tell the hill people to come down to the valley for the patron saint's celebrations, and to propitiate a new year, getting rid of the rubbish of the previous one.

The evening ends, as per tradition, with the Tombola di Sant'Ermete, in which everyone is invited to take part.

On Wednesday 28 August, starting at 7.00 am, one of the central events of the festival, La Fiera di Sant'Ermete, takes place, with stalls of food and wine, handicrafts, and various stands including clothes and accessories, also branded, set up along the streets of the town centre.

At the Church of S. Ermete at 6.30 p.m., solemn Holy Mass and the 22nd Premio Amico di Forte dei Marmi (Friend of Forte dei Marmi Award), a recognition that the parish assigns every year to those personalities who demonstrate deep attachment and strong ties with the town. This year it is awarded to Princess Elettra Marconi and the husband and wife Massimo and Marina Da Cepparello. This is followed by the presentation of the Santino 2024 created by Matilde Lilli and the reading of a poem by Anna Maria Poggi.

Closing the three-day celebration, at 10.00 p.m., the traditional Fireworks Show from the Pontile.

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