Ferzan Özpetek at the Teatro della Pergola
Wednesday, December 1, the show Ferzaneide - I am ia! in Florence
Wednesday, December 1, 8:45 p.m., Ferzan Özpetek debuts at the Teatro della Pergola with his one-man show Ferzaneide - Sono ia!

An unmissable opportunity to listen to and see live one of the most beloved directors in Italy and discover the insights that emerged from his films: the generosity of details and the uncommon freedom of thought.
Özpetek talks about his career, but also about the most important feelings of his life: love, friendship, astonishment in front of beauty and the desire to be happy. "This time - he explains - on stage there is me, me alone to meet the audience with the story of my artistic adventure and my feeling for life, mine and that of others. Over the years I have married many causes under the banner of courage. Courage. Perhaps this word contains the meaning of what I will say night after night. The courage to pursue one's dreams. The courage to challenge prejudice. The courage to be happy".
Sincere, playful, ready to wander with his mind from Istanbul to Rome, the director puts himself at stake to the end between public and private, exciting and entertaining. The result: a show.
Next year, from March 22 to April 3, it will be the turn of Mine vaganti, Ferzan Özpetek's first theatrical production, which stages the adaptation of one of his cinematic masterpieces. Tickets and season ticket coupons purchased for the 2019/2020 season are valid for the dates March 22 - 27 (those who have lost their season tickets can contact the Theatre box office: 055.0763333- biglietteria@teatrodellapergola.com).