Father's Day. 5 thoughts while #westayathome
Among great kitchen classics and music playlists, all dedicated to our dear dads
On March 19th we celebrate Father's Day, or Father's Day for us Tuscans.
Its origins date back to the first decades of the 20th century. In 1871 the Catholic Church proclaimed St. Joseph patron of the fathers of the family and patron of the universal Church. As Pope Leo XIII summarized: "In Joseph the fathers of the family have the most sublime model of paternal vigilance and providence; the spouses a perfect example of love, concord and conjugal fidelity; the virgins a type and defender of virginal integrity. Let the nobles learn from him to preserve their dignity even in adverse fortune, and let the rich understand what goods it is necessary to desire. Let the proletarians and workers and all those in low fortune learn from him what they have to imitate".

But how does the term "daddy" come about? "For it is not an undertaking to be taken to gabbo / discriver the bottom of the whole universe, / nor from a language that you call mother or father", one reads in Dante's Inferno, when at the beginning of the XXXII canto the poet is in search of the most suitable words to describe the bottom of the universe.
Although in the work "De vulgari eloquentia" Dante strongly condemns the use of the words "mamma" and "babbo", classifying them as puerile terms, it is easy to see how this expression was used to refer to the father figure was widespread in Tuscany since ancient times.

A clear explanation is given by the Accademia della Crusca: "Nothing more natural: "father", as well as "father" and "mother", is one of the first words that a child pronounces The emotional terms for "father" and "mother" have this type of origin: perhaps not very interesting for a scholar, but certainly very beautiful".
But let's come to today, how can we give a thought to our Babbi at this delicate moment when #noiresacasa?

1. One recipe for all: St. Joseph's pancake! Tradition has it that fritters should be eaten until they burst, as a symbolic "offering" to the Saint. Regarding the preparation of the famous cake, there is a wide debate: there are those who put flour in the dough and those who do not, those who cook rice only in milk, those in water and milk in equal parts, those who put raisins and those who do not. To discover the easy traditional recipe, click here. If you are curious about the various versions in Tuscany and their history, then you should click here!

2. A dessert, an ice cream or a lunch at home to celebrate with the whole family? We have the right addresses for you, just click here!
3. A tree planted in Africa, to give the name of Santa Claus, with a dedicated online page, geolocalized and photographed, to give and keep? This is possible with Treedom, the only web platform in the world, created by Tuscans, that allows you to plant a tree at a distance and follow it online. And for a farmer or winegrower in power the Borgo Resort of Castelfalfi launches Be a Farmer, to adopt a row of vines or an olive grove on the Estate.

4. And now music, here's some goodies to listen to at home and dance without brakes! Cat Stevens, Father & Son; U2, Dirty Day; Eric Clapton, My Father Eyes; George Michael, Father Figure; Queen, Father to Son; Claudio Baglioni, Patapan; Maria Callas, O mio babbino caro.

5. The thought of thoughts: a beautiful drawing. For the little ones we thought to give you a model, to print, color and customize and yours will be the happiest dad in the world!