Fabio Picchi's pods and pecorino cheese salad
Exclusively for you, the recipe and the video of the symbol of Florentine cuisine
Fabio Picchi, symbol of true Florentine cuisine, the culinary soul of Cibreo, opens the doors to his world. A microcosm of truth to taste, where the semolina is synonymous with goodness.
How can we welcome spring if not with a fresh bean salad? Perfect to make at home! Enjoy our video recipe!
In the joy of meeting a friend again, embracing him or her you will understand the need to find yourself making ancient gestures, such as opening a cheese wheel. Share, with the people we love, the first marzolino pecorino cheese and bless ourselves and others.
If you add fresh broad beans to that gesture, peeling fresh pods from the silky skin that declares their freshness to you, you will have to mentally pray to all the mothers and fathers who over the millennia have preceded us by handing over the art of rennet, sowing and eating together, asking them to protect us from sloth, and from the unawareness of having to give what has been given to us.

In addition to the simplicity of what I have suggested, you can also treat yourself to a lucky appetizer by peeling 1 kg of pods, thus obtaining about 3 hg of fresh broad beans that you will add to 2 hg of a diced marzolino and a sweet pear. Season everything with 4 tablespoons of oil, a tablespoon of red wine vinegar and a second tablespoon of fragrant white wine, half a tablespoon of finely chopped parsley and a single clove of sad garlic.
Pepper to taste, a granniente of salt, knowing that the pecorino cheese will not need it.