Exhibition "La Sala Grande. Giorgio Vasari for Cosimo I de’ Medici”
Through March 9, Palazzo Vecchio hosts exhibition celebrating the Great Hall, Giorgio Vasari and Cosimo I de' Medici
Palazzo Vecchio is hosting the exhibition that celebrates the Sala Grande on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of the deaths of Cosimo I de' Medici and Giorgio Vasari, running until March 9th.
The Sala Grande, also known as the Salone dei Cinquecento, is one of the greatest masterpieces resulting from the long and fruitful collaboration between Cosimo I de’ Medici and Giorgio Vasari. Today, for the 450th anniversary of their deaths, the room hosts an exhibition that honors its historical and artistic significance.

The Sala Grande, which was first constructed at the end of the 15th century, was renovated in the 1560s at the request of Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici. He commissioned Giorgio Vasari to redesign it in preparation for the celebrations of the marriage of Prince Francesco to Giovanna of Austria. Between 1563 and 1565, the Sala Grande was completely renovated: its walls were raised by 7 meters, and the wooden ceiling was decorated with a series of paintings aimed at creating a map of Tuscany centered around the figure of Cosimo I de' Medici.
The exhibition tells the story of the room’s renovation through letters, preparatory sketches, and testimonies that help to understand the value of this unique work. Among the preparatory sketches are those of the Presa di Porta Camollia and the Battaglia di Marciano. Among the many letters—demonstrating the frequent updates exchanged between the Duke and Vasari—visitors can see one written by Michelangelo, who served as a consultant for the project. In this letter, Michelangelo, years before the completion of the work, had already advised raising the walls by 12 braccia (arms-lengths).

Curated by Carlo Francini and Valentina Zucchi, the exhibition allows visitors to retrace the artistic process that led to the creation of this masterpiece, aided by a video production by Art Media Studio, which connects the displayed works with the panels and frescoes of the room. Additionally, in one of the rooms that was part of Cosimo's residence, visitors can admire works of artistic craftsmanship by master Paolo Penko, a replica of the chain and medal given by Pope Pius V to Giorgio Vasari in 1571.