European Night of Museums 2021 in Florence
Saturday July 3rd extraordinary opening of the Uffizi and Accademia Galleries. The complete program
Art returns to be the protagonist of Florentine evenings. Saturday, July 3, on the occasion of the European Night of Museums, some of the most beautiful and appreciated places of art in Florence open to the public with extended evening hours and entrance fee of 1 euro.
After two years, the Uffizi Gallery returns 'by night' with a special evening opening, from 19 to 22. "It 's a great opportunity to enjoy the masterpieces of the museum in a different light, more intimate, that of the sunset and evening - said the director Eike Schmidt - and also, why not, for a toast to the restart on the beautiful terrace of the Uffizi.

The Accademia Gallery in Florence is also participating in the seventeenth edition of the European Night of Museums 2021. An unmissable opportunity for the public who will be able to appreciate the evocative setting of the Gallery with the new exhibition route that begins with the section dedicated to Musical Instruments and continues with the rooms of temporary exhibitions, in which are exhibited the masterpieces of the Renaissance, paintings that come from the Hall of Colossus. Entering towards the Tribuna, where the David stands out, the visitor will be accompanied, on his way through Michelangelo's Prisons, by a crowd of characters: they are Lorenzo Bartolini's plaster casts, usually kept in the Gipsoteca. Tickets must be booked online through the website of the Gallery, or by calling Firenze Musei (tel +39 055 294883).

Extraordinary opening also for the National Museum of the Bargello where, during these days, it is possible to visit the exhibition "Onorevole e antico cittadino di Firenze. The Bargello for Dante. Open all day long, but after 19:00 the ticket will cost a symbolic 1,00 euro and will remain open until 22:00 with the last entrance at 22:00.

With the occasion there is also the possibility to visit the Museum of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure. To avoid assemblages, an online service has been activated to fix the entrance time, between 19 and 22, on the occasion of the European Night of Museums 2021. Reservations started on June 28 and there are 5 entry times, each for a maximum of 6 visitors and with an expected exit 60 minutes later: 7 pm, 7.30 pm, 8 pm, 8.30 pm and 9 pm. In case of sold out, it will be possible to get on the waiting list.