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Elio Germano e Teho Teardo inParadiso XXXIII ph. ©Zani-Casadio
October 14, 2021

Elio Germano and Teho Teardo at the Teatro della Pergola in Florence from 19 to 24 October 2021

The tribute to Dante by the two artists with a reading of the most complex canto of the Divine Comedy

From Tuesday 19 to Sunday 24 October Elio Germano and Teho Teardo make their debut at the Teatro della Pergola in Florence in Paradiso XXXIII directed by Simone Ferrari & Lulu Helbaek.
Captured by the complexity, the infinite dimension of Dante, his anxiety and his inexhaustible discoveries, Elio Germano returns to the luminous verses of the XXXIII canto of Paradiso, which he read in September 2020 in Ravenna for the opening of the celebrations of the 7th centenary, in the presence of President Mattarella.
A year later Germano closes the perfect circle of the tribute to the Supreme Poet: on the ground of Dante's tercets sprouts the unprecedented and unpredictable music of the musician-explorer Teho Teardo, composer of an avant-garde without labels, and the visionary image of poets of the eye such as Simone Ferrari and Lulu Helbaek, who always carry with them a drop of the magic of Cirque du Soleil.
Dante Alighieri, in the 33rd canto of Paradise (the last canto, which closes the trilogy of the Divine Comedy) finds himself in the awkwardness of the human being who tries to describe the immense, the unspeakable, tries to recount the unaccountable. This deviation from the "supreme wonder" is staged to create a unique, almost physical experience for the spectator in the presence of immensity.
Wednesday 20 October, at 6.30 pm, Elio Germano and Teho Teardo meet the public at the Pergola. Coordinated by Matteo Brighenti. Admission is free while places last.


In this article we talked about Teatro della Pergola

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