Easter and 25 April in the Florentine Civic Museums and Palazzo Medici Riccardi
From the workshop on the tradition of the Scoppio del Carro to the one on chocolate in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, here are all the cultural proposals for April in Florence
Spring air in the museums. The Florentine Civic Museums, Palazzo Medici Riccardi and MUS.E propose a numerous series of events that will culminate during the Easter holidays and around the long weekend of 25 April, presenting a rich calendar of visits, experiences and activities.
Adults will be able to enjoy a wide range of visits to the city's museums and cultural venues: visits to the Palazzo Vecchio are scheduled every day except Thursday afternoon, along with the timeless secret itineraries; in addition, themed itineraries dedicated to Duchess Eleonora di Toledo, whose 500th birth anniversary falls on Saturday afternoons, are scheduled the 500th anniversary of her birth (1522-2022), thanks to the collaboration of the World Heritage Office and the support of Business Strategies.
In counterpoint are the initiatives at Palazzo Medici Riccardi, where guided tours of the museum itinerary alternate, including the marvellous Chapel of the Magi, and the temporary exhibition Oscar Ghiglia. The Twentieth Century.

Visits are also available to the other Florentine museums: to learn about the thousand-year history of the Dominican complex of Santa Maria Novella and to approach the collections of the Museo Novecento and the current exhibitions dedicated to Filippo De Pisis, Giulio Paolini and Luca Vitone, but also to rediscover the history of the Murate complex and MAD Murate Art District, now a true contemporary art district, and to appreciate the exquisite art masterpieces collected by the antiquarian Stefano Bardini in the museum of the same name. Bardini, who celebrated the centenary of his death (1922-2022), will also be the subject of a series of art and nature trails starting on Saturday 23 April, organised by the Fondazione CR Firenze and the Direzione Regionale Musei della Toscana, which will allow visitors to appreciate the wonders of the Bardini Garden, Palazzo Mozzi Bardini and the Museo Stefano Bardini.
An equally rich programme is presented to children and their families. It starts with Palazzo Vecchio, where there are first of all stories and fairy tales for the little ones, aged 3 and up (for information and opening hours: info@musefirenze.it). For children from 4 to 10 years of age there is the Vita di corte (Life at Court) animated tour (every day), which allows you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Medicean court in the mid-sixteenth century.
Easter holidays with the activity Exquisite discovery. The Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the chocolate route (Saturday 14, Sunday 15 and Monday 16 at 4.30pm). At the end of the month there will also be a very special event for older visitors: a meeting with Duchess Eleonora di Toledo (Sunday 24 April at 3.00 pm and 4.30 pm), where the public will be able to talk directly to the historical figure.

Remaining in the Medici atmosphere, Palazzo Medici Riccardi has an activity dedicated to the youngest: Stemma Medici. Stories and legends, around which so many legends have sprung up, while older children can take part in the A casa Medici itinerary and the painting atelier on the Oscar Ghiglia exhibition (Sundays at 10am).
With a palette in hand, families will be able to take part in the ateliers planned at the Museo Novecento, in close connection with the exhibitions currently underway and with a special focus on the history of the city. And with a special focus on the work of Filippo De Pisis, while children will be invited to create their own scented work, decidedly spring-like, inspired by Luca Vitone's olfactory work.

In the Santa Maria Novella complex, families will be able to relive the silent and fascinating daily life that took place in the cloisters, the basilica and the rooms of the convent between the 14th and 15th centuries thanks to the activity Discovering Santa Maria Novella, while at the Bardini Museum the activity centred on the colour Blu, so loved by the antiquarian as to cover the walls of his kingdom, is back on the programme.
Last but not least, just for the Easter holidays, children will be able to take part in a special activity on the history of the Scoppio del carro, a thousand-year-old event in the Florentine tradition and unique in the world: the appointment is at the Palagio di Parte Guelfa in the days leading up to Easter with an author's animated video, followed by an art workshop (Thursday, Friday and Saturday mornings).
Booking is compulsory.
Info, times and reservations: 055 2768224 info@musefirenze.it
Info, times and reservations: 055-2760552 info@palazzomediciriccardi.it