Florence photographed at the time of the Coronavirus, with our four-legged friends
Fourth photo-story of the city at the time of the coronavirus seen through the eyes of Marco Lanza
To look at Florence in this strange present of emptiness and mute beauty. More than a month after the start of the lockdown put aside the fear of the first moments, the need for optimism, the awareness of having to face a new condition never experienced before, wearing the tunic of the think-positive we all try, or at least the vast majority of us who are confined at home, to enjoy the time we now have available.

The children take advantage of the unusual presence of their parents, the elderly of the long phone calls with children and grandchildren. Suddenly we have all rediscovered ourselves as great cooks.

It is well known that Italians are a people of chefs and, to be honest, in this period cooking often has the effect of a session with the analyst: you relax, you rediscover yourself, you go back in time, forgetting ... time.

But we are allowed half an hour of air with our four-legged friend. They, as perfect silent bodyguards, watch, listen, walk slowly, stop, sit down. They don't have murderous raids with other dogs in mind.

Finally alone they have the garrison of the artistic heritage of humanity, they are the absolute masters of the city, they are the masters of their master, in fact this time it is they who bring out the master.

Has man really disappeared? Enigmatic are the photos of Marco Lanza, a Florentine photographer with an acute background in fashion, author of artistic projects published and exhibited in Italy and abroad, who this time offers us portraits in pose, intimate, silent, out of the ordinary.

Dear Marco your ability to always look at things from an unusual perspective leaves me no doubt, no surprise. I'm sure that Italo Calvino is smiling at you from the clouds.