Dante 700, all the events scheduled in Florence and surroundings to celebrate the Supreme Poet
The appointments between art and literature to mark in your diary
An important year for the history of Dante. A year that Florence, the birthplace of the Supreme Poet could not celebrate in a big way, with events and shows that between art and literature bring us to know more closely Dante and his story.

September 7, 14, 21 and 28: E-State with Dante. One of Us. Performance, theater and conferences on the Supreme Poet in Piazza San Martino, Piazza San Firenze, and the Palagio di Parte Guelfa. Free events.
13th -14th September: Speaking Dante. A 24-hour marathon with the 100 cantos of Dante's Divine Comedy read in English (in presence and recorded) by a cast of 25 internationally renowned actors, from Helen Mirren to Ralph Fiennes to Rupert Everett to Rupert Mason to Justin Butcher.
Sept. 21: Fleeing the Unjust Pitch. A re-enactment in poetic dramaturgical form of Dante's personal and trial events. The title summarizes the themes of the condition of exile and migrant. Two performances with free admission, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, in the Sala Bianca of Palazzo Pitti.
September 22 at 9pm: Dante's Masterpieces by Franz Liszt. A concert dedicated to Liszt's works inspired by the Supreme Poet, at the Sala del Buonumore of the Conservatorio Cherubini.
September 24 - 30, 2021: Florence: Hell and Paradise. An artistic project in several movements, imagined to inhabit the open-air public spaces of Florence starting from the Murate complex.
September 26 at 4pm: Florentine Perspectives. Dante and the secret circle of poets. An interactive show built as a creative workshop for children aged 6-11 about his childhood years and his first experiences as a poet.
28 September from 5pm to 5:30pm: A Tea with Dante at Belmond Hotel Villa San Michele. An afternoon tea enriched by readings on love from the Divine Comedy and the Vita Nova. (cost 30 euros per person)

October 2 and 30; Saturday, December 4: Dante's San Gimignano. An itinerary in the places of the Supreme Poet in San Gimignano among history, tastes, myth, images and words.
October 8, 15:30: Ezra Pound and Dante. A day of study dedicated to the analysis of the relationship between Ezra Pound and Dante, who has been a constant point of reference for Pound since his first collection of verses.
October 10 2021 at 11am: In search of Dante... at sunset on a day in mid-September. A tale set to music by Federico Bonetti Amendola, to be held in Florence in the Auditorium of the Archivio di Stato, under the patronage of the Comitato Nazionale Celebrazione 700 anni dalla morte di Dante Alighieri.
October 22: Dante and Marco Polo. Virtual and Real Travels in Distant Lands and the Experience of Exile. A round table with the participation of academics, linguists and theoretical physicists, who will address a number of themes related to Dante's journey: exile as a "forced" journey; the language of travel in Dante and Marco Polo; Marco Polo's travel experience.
October 14 and 28; November 4 - 11 and 18: Dante and Santa Maria Nuova. Series of six free afternoon meetings around the trilogy Dante/i Portinari/ l'ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova, organized by the Fondazione Santa Maria Nuova, ONLUS. Between October and November 2021

November 11: DANxTE, a play conceived, written and directed by Florentine director Pietro Bartolini in collaboration with Massimo Bergamasco. A single show represented in the spaces of the Sala d'Arme of Palazzo Vecchio that interprets the poems and the life of Dante Alighieri, according to a new form of representation called XTT Mixed-Theatre in Telepresence that is at the state of the art in terms of advanced technologies of virtual environments and telepresence.
Until November 30: The exhibition Nel segno di Dante (In the sign of Dante) at the Castello dei Conti Guidi. The paintings on display deal with themes and characters of the Casentino valley, a territory with which the poet Dante had close relationships: he stayed there several times.

The entire program can be consulted in the events section of the 700 Dante Firenze website.