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Cibrèo Ristorante & Cocktail Bar
January 19, 2024

Cibrèo Ristorante & Cocktail Bar and Altamura Distilleries together for a special evening

Friday 26 January is the right occasion to taste the drinks of head barman Lino Marchese of the Hotel Metropole in Venice in an exceptional setting

A 26th January not to be missed at Cibrèo Ristorante & Cocktail Bar that together with Altamura Distilleries presents an exceptional evening event with a world special guest, the great head bartender Lino Marchese of the Oriental Bar & Bistrot of the Hotel Metropole in Venice, a true international star of mixology who will present his cocktails appreciated and loved all over the world by a clientele that includes stars and crowned heads.

Lino Marchese dell’Oriental Bar & Bistrot dell’Hotel Metropole di Venezia

A unique opportunity to enjoy the drink list of five signature cocktails specially designed for the occasion by Lino Marchese, such as The Altamura Martini, Altamura Goes to Florence or Altamura Espresso Malt, which are paired with the equally unique food pairing that includes the Bun Ripieno di Gambero Rosa e Insalata Tu Mi Turbi (Pink Prawn Stuffed Bun and Tu Mi Turbi Salad) and the Mini Tartare di Bezo con Cialda di Sciapo (Mini Beef Tartare with Sciapo Waffle), true Cibrèo must-haves.

Cibrèo Ristorante & Cocktail Bar

Perhaps more than any other distillate, Vodka presents the purest essence of the raw material undergoing fermentation, and Altamura Distilleries has created the first Vodka made from pure Altamura wheat. A Vodka that is very elegant and refined on the palate, but rich in different scents derived from the terroir and the use of Altamura wheat semolina. The meeting with Cibrèo Ristorante & Cocktail Bar and Lino Marchese thus gave rise to the desire to unite identities so strong on the territory and so tied to the use of raw materials, enhanced by impeccable workmanship and the mastery that characterises the kitchen and bar processes. This strong gourmand identity has thus given rise to an event that perfectly unites three such unique identities and personalities. An event made possible thanks to the collaboration of the charming Metropole Hotel in Venice, eclectic and theatrical, an experience in luxury far from the clichés that sees Lino Marchese as the spearhead of its Oriental Bar & Bistrot.

Cocktail e Food Pairing Event €20
7 p.m.

Cibrèo Ristorante & Cocktail Bar
Via dei Vecchietti, 5
ph. +39 055 2665651

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