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Museo Galileo Firenze
January 22, 2020

Breakfast at Museo Galileo

Every Sunday, from 26 January to 3 May

From January 26 to May 3, 2020 - on Sundays at 11 a.m. - the Museo Galileo in Florence becomes a meeting place.
After a tasty breakfast provided by the Antica Pasticceria Caffè S. Firenze, participants will attend practical demonstrations and at the end will receive a useful guide to replicate the activities carried out independently. This year's edition presents two important novelties: the technique of working with clay and the use of the lathe by means of centrifugal force, as well as an appointment on the development of lenses, from Galileo to modern optics for the correction of visual defects.

BREAKFAST AT THE MUSEUM 2020 - Sunday, 11 a.m.

26 January 2020
Lenses, glasses and telescopes

2 February 2020
Art and science of gilding

February 9, 2020
The precious gown of the telescopes. Florentine paper workshop

16 February 2020 
A blue world. The cyanotype technique

23 February 2020 
The potter's wheel and centrifugal force

1 March 2020
The portrait of great-grandfather. Wet collodion photography

8 March 2020
Alchemy of colors. The art of scagliola

15 March 2020
The combustion engine: the new driving force of the 19th century

22 March 2020
Wigs and makeup: The mirror of an era

29 March 2020
Landscaping and polishing. The secrets of the cabinetmaker

5 April 2020
The stone painting. The ancient art of the Florentine commesso

19 April 2020
Drawing with the darkroom

26 April 2020
Weft and warp. The mathematics of the frame

3 May 2020
Sundials and sundials. In search of True Time


In this article we talked about Museo Galileo - Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza


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