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Ph. Alessandro Bencini

June 8, 2016

A special tribute to Peggy Guggenheim signed Angela Caputi

From June 10 to all Pitti week, a special project of the famous inimitable jewelry designer

From June 10 and throughout the Pitti Immagine Uomo event, the windows of boutiques ANGELA CAPUTI Giuggiù, will be dedicated to the great American collector and the exceptional protagonists of the beautiful exhibition "From Kandinsky to Pollock" hosted at the Palazzo Strozzi, Florence, until 24 July 2016.

The Florentine designer, Angela Caputi, has created a limited edition collection of jewelry, all inspired by the patron Peggy Guggenheim and her passion for jewelry and for contemporary art.

ANGELA CAPUTI Giuggiù: via S. Spirito 58r and b.go SS. Apostoli 44 / 46r and
AGORAZ: Palazzo Strozzi, Piazza Strozzi


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