The best florists in Florence for your Valentine's Day
For the lovers' party, here's where to go to Florence if you mean I love you with a flower
Antiquity is full of legends about the origin of roses. In Greece is said to have sprouted from a drop of water that fell to the ground while Aphrodite was born from the foam of the waves of the sea; or that the goddess Chloris, seeing a young nymph dead, he decided to turn her into a flower and Aphrodite, to give her even more beauty, he made her a rose.
Among the ancient Romans, the story was told of another splendid rose. nymph, Rodante, surrounded by suitors who refused on time. One day the various suitors broke into her house, provoking the wrath of the goddess Diana, who turned the maiden into a rose, and the suitors into thorns.
Since then, even today the rose is still an expression of love deep and passionate. Many cultures in the world use this flower as gift or as an ornament for special occasions, above all, Valentine's Day, the Lovers' Day.
The most important thing, when you give a rose, is the color. To everyone in fact a different meaning is associated. The red one, of course, is symbol of love, the white one of purity, the yellow one of liveliness, but also of jealousy, and so on.
But not only that, because the number of roses given away also brings with him a message: 1 means love at first sight, 2 conjoining and sharing, 3 is the number to celebrate the first month together, the famous dozen promises love for a lifetime, up to 108 roses, perfect for the "fateful question", while giving away 365 declares love every day of the year and 1000 the intention to be together forever.
In Tuscany we have an excellence in the cultivation of the flower of love: the Pistoiese company Rose Barni, blossomed in 1882, which for about a century has been devoted exclusively to cultivation of the rose, also creating new species, including Le Toscane.

And if you have already given roses and you want to dare? No problem, think of your loved one's favorite flower, or the one that reflects the his personality, or a flower that has a reference to your love story, perhaps from the place where you spent your first vacation...
There are no fixed rules for Valentine's Day. And Florence offers excellent option for lovers in search of all kinds of flowers. Are we or are we not are we in the town that was once called Florentia?

We start from the Oltrarno and to be precise from Il Fiorile, in via Santo Spirito, inside Palazzo Guicciardini, where Sandra Ceni has built a universe completely dedicated to flower design, designed for create flower arrangements "sewn on", exactly like a dress on measure.

In the Cure area, 5 minutes from the Garden of Horticulture, there is instead Baobab Fioristi (via Giovanni Pascoli), beautiful flower store opened in 1990, making sophistication its key to success. From simpler compositions up to real flower sculptures.

In via Cimabue, near piazza Beccaria, a little corner perfumed that transforms to the rhythm of the seasons: the boutique-atelier Jardin Divers, by Alessandro Fiochi Romagnoli and Cendrine Lecas, ready to create the bouquet for you.

Finally we arrive in the centre of town, with Artemisia Fioristi, in via de' Ginori, part of La Ménagère's concept. Born from an unusual combination of Food & Flowers, it's a place where you can choose a rose while sipping a coffee or an aperitif. Open until 10.30 pm.
Happy Valentine's Day!